Centre for Disability in Development (CDD) has been implementing the Strengthening Resilience in South and South East Asia by Integrating Risk Management, Social Inclusion and Socio-Economic Development (SRSSEAIRMSISED) project, with the support of ASB Germany, from November, 2021 in 09 wards of Rayenda Union at Sarankhola Upazila of Bagerhat District, Bangladesh. Sarankhola Upazila is one of the disaster-prone and climate vulnerable areas of Bangladesh which already has been affected by several devastating cyclones namely, SIDR, Aila and Amphan. Most of the inhabitants of this area are marginalized and disadvantaged. The project aimed at developing a well-organized disability inclusive disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation mechanism focusing to support most at-risk households of persons with disabilities and disadvantaged women in Rayenda Union.