AADMER Consultations

Photo: Lissa, on behalf of DiDRRN, presenting examples of best practice at the national level consultation in Jakarta.

Under the lead of the AADMER Partnership Group (APG) a number of consultations have been recently held to increase the participation of civil society within AADMER.

AADMER is the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response. On behalf of the Disability Inclusive DRR Network for Asia-Pacific (DiDRRN), ASB participated in a national consultation in Jakarta. General recommendations included the increased participation of disabled people’s organisations (DPOs) in DRR planning and programming, the need for improved data collection and the need for increasing public awareness of the additional risks faced by people with disability in a disaster situation.

ASB’s Country Director, Dr Alex Robinson, also attended the regional AADMER consultation in Bangkok. At this meeting it was agreed that DiDRRN will be continuing dialogue, alongside other selected civil society representatives, with ASEAN members in March 2013.

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