Disability the focus of International Disaster Reduction Day 2013

As concern grows over the need to better include people with disability in disaster risk reduction (DRR), International Disaster Reduction Day (IDRD) 2013 is to focus on disability.

This will be the 3rd IDRD. In 2011, the focus was on youth and children with 2012 focusing on women and girls.

IDRD is not only an opportunity to raise awareness on the impacts of disasters on people with disability, but also an opportunity to acknowledge the contribution to DRR that people with disability can, and should, make.

ASB will be actively participating on October 13 in Indonesia and regionally with DiDRRN (www.didrrn.net) partners.

For further information on this important event, please visit: http://www.unisdr.org/2013/iddr/#.UdaZYm3-uHM

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