DPOs in Java train in Disaster Risk Reduction

On 20-21 of March, 2014 25 representatives from 15 disabled people organisations participated in trainings on introduction to disaster-risk reduction and international policy frameworks. Participants learned about potential hazards in Sleman district, DRR policy frameworks and safety procedures for volcano and earthquake including simulations.

The 2-day training is part of a programme aimed to equip DPO members to become disaster resilient cadres (Kader Disabilitas Tangguh Bencana) at the district level. The cadres are expected to become resource persons on disability-inclusive DRR for people with disability and the community in general. DPOs are also expected to become potential partners for government in planning, monitoring and implementing inclusive-DRR activities.

Sleman disaster management agency (BPBD) contribute to the trainings. DPO trainers shared their experiences, concerns and expectations in participating in DRR activities in their communities. Mr Heru Saptono, Head of Preparedness Section in BPBD acknowledged the significance of the participation of people with disability in DRR and is looking forward to future collaboration between BPBD and DPOs in Sleman.

The same training was also conducted with DPOs in Klaten 15-16 of March 2014. Both DPOs in Klaten and Sleman were enthusiastic in following the training and are looking forward to more trainings to build the capacity of DPOs to contribute to DRR. During the training, DPO members created the slogan ‘Disabilitas Tangguh Bencana!’ or ‘Disability is Resilience to Disasters’. This slogan symbolises the spirit of the participation of people with disability in DRR. The training was conducted as part of the ‘Promoting the Inclusion of People with Disability in Disaster Management’ (MANDIRI BISA) programme. The programme is a collaboration between ASB and the University of Sydney and is supported by Australian Aid.

More about ADRAS programme.

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