Emerging from the Depths: A Journey of Resilience

penyandang disabilitas yang berperan aktif dalam pengurangan risiko bencana di Desa Way Muli Timur, Lampung Selatan.

Step into Way Muli Timur, Kalianda, South Lampung, a once-tranquil village where life’s harmony was shattered. The 2018 Sunda Strait Tsunami struck with devastating force, leaving behind despair and shattered dreams. Survivors, burdened by profound emotional scars, fought to reclaim their essence. Within this wreckage, a humble fisherman named Jumani discovered a glimmer of hope that would redefine their lives.

penyandang disabilitas yang berperan aktif dalam pengurangan risiko bencana
di Desa Way Muli Timur, Lampung Selatan.

Amidst the chaos, Jumani’s spirit refused to falter. Driven by a steadfast commitment to protecting his community, he embarked on a transformative journey of resilience, devoted to mitigating future disasters.

Unforeseen Horizons

In the depths of the night, Jumani, half-asleep aboard his fishing boat, experienced a life-altering event. The tranquillity shattered when a fellow fisherman informed him of the devastating tsunami. Gripped by concern for his family’s safety, he was unaware that the waves which ravaged their village would sweep their fishing boat into the sea.

Regrettably, Jumani and his companions found no escape. The powerful 10-meter waves propelled their boat 65 meters, leaving them helplessly adrift in the vast ocean. Clutching his old cell phone, Jumani was desperate to reach his family. Relief washed over him upon hearing of their safety. Alas, the journey back to the mainland took hours.

“Upon reaching the mainland, I yearned to embrace my family, but the journey from the coast to the plateau took an hour. However, the moment we were finally reunited, I was overwhelmed with joy,” Jumani expressed with profound gratitude.

penyandang disabilitas yang berperan aktif dalam pengurangan risiko bencana
di Desa Way Muli Timur, Lampung Selatan.

Remarkably, the near loss of his life and family ignited a deeper purpose within Jumani. Engaging in the emergency response program of the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) Indonesia and the Philippines, he collected data on persons with disabilities affected by the tsunami in Kalianda.

Overcoming Challenges

Jumani’s experience as an ASB data collection team member and tsunami survivor inspired him to join the Destana Program in his village. Motivated to help others and address discrimination faced by people with disabilities, he eagerly embraced the opportunity provided by the program under the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD).

“Without programs like Destana, we face marginalization and underestimation, making it challenging to contribute and share our ideas. However, by participating in Destana, I can demonstrate the immense value and significant benefits people with disabilities bring to our community,” Jumani explained passionately.

His participation in Destana was warmly welcomed. Beyond his role in the public kitchen, Jumani actively engaged in outreach activities, enlightening his neighbours about essential evacuation procedures.

Furthermore, armed with the knowledge and experience gained from Destana, Jumani raised disaster mitigation awareness within his family. They established a designated gathering point and meticulously assembled a ready-to-go bag, equipped with essential documents and supplies for swift evacuation.

Transforming Perspectives

Despite his growing awareness, Jumani acknowledges his limited knowledge of disaster risk reduction due to a lack of training. Joining the Implementing Standards and Guidelines for Humanitarian Inclusion in Disaster Preparedness through Strengthening Institutional Capacity (PASTI) Program, he received comprehensive training on disaster concepts and their relevance to persons with disabilities This enabled him to actively support the ASB team, engaging in community outreach and providing technical assistance during village meetings.

Determinedly, Jumani visited his neighbours one by one, patiently explaining the importance of disaster preparedness and the potential consequences of ignoring recommendations. Though he encountered initial resistance, his resolve grew stronger as he sought to convince his fellow villagers, employing an informal approach.

“Using the techniques taught in ASB training, I strive to provide detailed explanations and vivid descriptions to help them visualize the situation. Alhamdulillah, within five months, their perception and behaviour began to shift. Currently, most residents understand the significance of preparation and the necessary actions during disasters,” Jumani gratefully shared.

Bridging the Gap

Raising awareness among residents brought significant improvements in accessibility for persons with disabilities. Evacuation facilities, once dimly lit and uneven, have been transformed with paving blocks and street lighting. Furthermore, modifications to the evacuation route now enable individuals with disabilities to reach designated gathering points at permanent shelters (huntap). However, despite these advancements, the active involvement of persons with disabilities in disaster-related matters remains limited.

Recognizing the immense value and unique perspectives persons with disabilities bring to disaster preparedness, Jumani proposed actively encouraging more individuals with disabilities in the village to join the team and engage in activities related to disaster risk reduction. He firmly believes that by expanding their participation, the village can foster inclusivity and harness their unique capacities. Yet, these efforts have encountered significant challenges, with village authorities often facing rejection when attempting to engage with persons with disabilities.

“I hope the team will proactively encourage the participation of persons with disabilities in the village, extending beyond those who are already considered active. In doing so, we can cultivate an inclusive society that recognizes and values the capabilities of individuals with disabilities. However, implementing this idea remains a formidable task. Some persons with disabilities may experience embarrassment, feelings of inferiority, and fears of ostracism. It is crucial to acknowledge and address their concerns,” explained Jumani, emphasizing the importance of overcoming these barriers and promoting inclusivity.

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