Include All, Safety All

Photo: Participatory training requires active contribution of all participants. Trial training in Barangay 14, Caloocan City, Metro Manila

To many people, disaster risk reduction (DRR) might sounds unfamiliar and very technical. Some people might even say, DRR is government’s responsibility or in other words, someone else’s business. To level up the stress, it would be much harder if it is disability-inclusive disaster risk reduction (DiDRR). Expertise is required in this case.

To us in Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) Indonesia & Philippines, disaster is neither something new nor far. Earthquake, typhoon, landslide, only to name a few, happens frequently. They are never picky by ‘only’ affecting government officials or certain group of people. They can happen anytime and affect anyone, no matter the community are well-prepared or not. Hence, it is everyone’s business and responsibility to reduce whatever risk disaster can produce. Same perspective applies to inclusion of persons with disability in DRR. While marginalisation is still happening in many aspects in the community, it is crucial to make sure that there are no ‘hidden’ community in disaster management. There are no excuses in excluding certain persons when we are aware that the risk is threatening all people without exceptions.

Set forth from this perspective, ASB Indonesia & Philippines developed specific training materials and methods to deliver DiDRR materials in modest approach. The approach aims to shift common understanding that DiDRR is too technical and it requires expertise. Through partnership with Community Response for Enlightenment Service and Transformation (CREST) and A2D Project – Research Group for Alternatives to Development Inc., DiDRR is ready to be transmitted to Cebu and Aklan Province in the Philippines. Took place at Sikat Inc., Quezon City, ASB Indonesia & Philippines trainer team conducted 6 days training of trainers (ToT) activity on DiDRR materials. This activity is conducted under ASB Indonesia & Philippines Community Resilience Program supported by Aktion Deutschland Hilft. Theme of this training is ‘Include All, Safety All: Understanding DiDRR’. Not only strengthened knowledge on DiDRR materials, trainers from CREST and A2D also learned to develop practical and creative training design. This will support CREST and A2D while implementing DiDRR project in the community of Nabas in Aklan Province and Tabogon in Cebu Province. On the last day of training, June 15th 2016, participants also conducted trial training in Barangay (Village) 14, Caloocan City, Metro Manila.

While CREST is implementing DiDRR project with more of school-based approach, A2D is mastering community-based approach. Therefore, this training activity considered as a strategic attempt because it also aimed to develop strong linkage between school and community in DRR matters. ASB Indonesia & Philippines is visioning DiDRR as common interest where all constituents work together towards resilient community. (Rizma Kristiana/edit: Melina Margaretha)

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