Inclusion Central to New International DRR Framework

The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 has been adopted by the World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Japan. After discussions late into the night delegates finally agreed the new international framework for DRR that will continue on from the Hyogo Framework for Action.

The Sendai Framework is highly important in emphasising a whole-of-society and people-centred approach to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). This is a major move forward from the previous framework. Importantly, the Sendai Framework recognises the positive contribution to DRR of groups and individuals at disproportionate risk from disasters.

In her closing remarks, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General on Disaster Risk Reduction, Ms Margareta Wahlström, noted the importance of the meaningful participation of women, children and youth and elderly persons and made particular reference to persons with disabilities in the implementation of the Sendai Framework. Ms Wahlström also noted that the Third World Conference on DRR set a new standard for physical accessibility and accessibility of information for UN conferences to follow.

The Disability-inclusive DRR Network (DiDRRN) welcomes the Sendai Framework and the efforts of UNISDR, the Government of Japan and other member states in securing a global foundation for more inclusive DRR policy and practice. DiDRRN partners urge all to ensure that the progress on inclusion made in Sendai is maintained and taken forward into broader post-2015 and sustainable development discussions. Importantly, it is now essential to ensure these commitments are put into action to create a safer and more inclusive and sustainable world for all.

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