Initiation of Disability Inclusion Service Unit in West Papua

Sharing session from the representative of Central Java Province Disaster Management Office

The Disaster Management Office (DMO) of West Papua Province has legalised the Disability Inclusion Service Unit (Unit LIDi) on September 27, 2018. It aims to strengthen DMO’s services for all community, including for persons with disabilities. Based on the Head of National DMO Regulation Number 14/2014, Unit LIDi is being operated by DMO staffs, disabled people’s organisations and other disaster management stakeholders. Another key objective of Unit LIDi development is to encourage active participation and leadership role of persons with disabilities at all stages of disaster management.

Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) collaborated with DMO of Central Java Province supports the innitiatives by providing technical supports in the development and operationalisation of Unit LIDi. The Central Java DMO who has operated Unit LIDi since last year shared their experiences and good practices through a workshop in Manokwari on November 8-9, 2018. During the workshop, the West Papua DMO also successfully arranged Unit LIDi programme and budget plan, a key step in ensuring the sustainability of Unit LIDi. It is also a significant indicator of government commitment in strengthening inclusion of persons with disabilities in West Papua. (Wiwit P. Hidayat)

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