International Day for Disability 2015: Inclusion Matters.

The theme of this year’s International Day for Disability is inclusion matters. Following the spirit of International Day and commitments to disability-inclusion in the Solo Declaration of this year’s National DRR Day celebration, National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) held a training workshop for 95 DPO representatives across Java on “Volunteerism in Disaster Management”.

The event aims to build knowledge and skills of DPOs to take part as active volunteer before, during and after a disaster. The 4-day event is being held in Solo from 2nd of December 2015, and will be officially closed with formal inauguration of DPO participants as National DRR Volunteer. The closing ceremony is also to celebrate this year’s International Day for Persons with Disability, to acknowledge the contribution  of people with disability in DRR as stated in the Sendai Framework for DRR (SFDRR) 2015 – 2030.

DPO training participants are very excited and motivated in participating in the training. They are actively engaged during class presentation, discussion and practice. BNPB appreciated the eagerness and commitment of DPOs to contribute in DRR. BNPB mentioned the workshop being the first of 3 series of “Volunteerism in DRR” workshops, including one more advanced workshop where DPO volunteers joined together with non-disabled volunteer. This is really exciting news regarding disbaility-inlcusion in the field of DRR in Indonesia.

ASB under the Technical Assistance and Training Team (TATTs) programme supported BNPB in the organisation of this event. The TATTs programme is a consortium programme led by Mercy Corps and funded by USAID.

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