October the 13th is International Day for Disaster Reduction and this year the focus is on disability.
ASB and DiDRRN partners are partnering with UNISDR to promote the contribution to DRR that people with disability can and do make to reducing risks and building resilience.
DiDRRN are planning activities throughout the Asia-Pacific and also in Europe and America. In Indonesia ASB will be participating in the national celebrations in Lombok and also various events and activities in Yogyakarta and the Mentawai islands.
The participation of people with disabilities at national celebrations in Lombok is supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Ms Melina Margaretha, our programme manager, will also be in Germany to present at the Aktion-Deutschland-Hilft (ADH) Symposium on inclusive-DRR. Country Director, Dr Alex Robinson, will be participating in UNISDR events at the United Nations in New York.
This will include a roundtable discussion chaired by Ms Margaretha Wahlstrom, the Special Representative to the UN Secretary General on DRR. Friends from the Deaf Art Community in Yogyakarta will also be participating in New York.
The DiDRRN website is being redesigned for the day and DIDDRN will be tweeting from @didrrn. Please also visit DIDRRN on Facebook.