As a component of the “Investing in inclusive WASH: Identifying barriers and values” project, ASB organised a series of training and workshop in May to June 2020. The activities involve participants from the project key actors that are researchers from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and representatives of the Working Group of Organisations of Persons with Disabilities in Palu, Sigi, and Donggala (Pokja OPDis Pasigala).
The first session of the series was a training on disability etiquette which was held on Tuesday, 12 May 2020. Delivered through an interactive webinar, the training presented Samsinar, a member of the Pokja OPDis Pasigala, as the main resource person. During the session, Samsinar shared essential and practical tips on how to interact with persons with disabilities in dignify and courteous manner. Furthermore, she elaborated ethical and accessibility considerations in conducting data collection process which involving persons with disabilities. This theme of training is particularly important considering that the “Investing in inclusive WASH” project focuses on working closely with persons with disabilities. Further information about this research project are available here.
8 follow-up sessions will be organised subsequently with various theme related to the project implementation, including research ethics, research instruments, and data collection trials. Interactive webinar format will be used throughout this series of activities following the COVID-19 pandemic situation. Certain measures were taken to ensure accessibility of the training and workshop delivery for all participants with diverse learning needs and functioning limitations. ASB ensures the availability of Sign Language interpretations and distribution of learning materials prior to training/ workshop dates.