Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Indonesia and the Philippines, collaborated with the Training and Education Centre (Pusdiklat) of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), conducted a series of Technical Discussion Meetings for the Development of Disaster Management (DM) Training Modules for Persons with Disabilities and Inclusive Disability DM Facilitators. This activity is part of the Implementation Programme of Humanitarian Inclusion Standards and Guidelines in Disaster Preparedness through Institutional Capacity Strengthening (PASTI Programme). The module development is carried out as a follow-up to the development and dissemination of the Inclusive Disaster Management Training Curriculum for Persons with Disabilities and Inclusive Disaster Management Facilitators.
The DM Training Module is developed as part of ASB’s commitment to contribute to the resilience of inclusive villages and communities through the provision of training to target beneficiaries. This module is developed by a working group consisting of ASB and Pusdiklat BNPB.
One of the recommendations from Pusdiklat to be followed up together in the curriculum development process is the need for a reference module that emphasises the adaptation of inclusive aspects. The working group and representatives from disability organisations (OPDis) and civil society organisations working on humanitarian response issues have disseminated the final draft of the DM Training Curriculum for Persons with Disabilities and Inclusive DM Facilitators on the occasion of the PRB month in 2022. ASB wants to ensure the alignment of competencies (learning outcomes), success indicators, topic materials, and methods in the curriculum, by a series of curriculum trials that have been conducted through six (6) trainings from April to July 2022.
After the curriculum dissemination, the organisation got feedback to create a reference module that emphasises the adaptation of inclusive aspects, referring to the latest standards, guidelines, and policies at both global and national levels related to the developed curriculum.
The module development is carried out through technical discussion meetings. The series of Technical Discussion Meetings of the Working Group has been conducted eight (8) times from February to March 2023, using both offline and online methods. This process not only discusses the module development but also agrees on training techniques, the working group’s contributions, and the systematic and engaging design of training activities.
The discussion process in module development is important to produce comprehensive content. The involvement of the working group consisting of OPDis and civil society is also expected to provide a voice that represents the needs of the target training beneficiaries in the module, namely persons with disabilities and inclusive DM facilitators. This representation is also expected to have an impact on the creation of a user-friendly module that is easily accessible to users, as well as promoting more widespread self-learning for the target beneficiaries. The module contains training schemes, including indicators aligned with competency standards in the disaster management process for the target beneficiaries. The content will adapt to the complexity level of each training subject, as part of a participatory and inclusive module development process.
Click here to download the training module (in Bahasa Indonesia).