Lessons Learned from Emergency Response to Demak Regency Floods [Part 5 of Journey Story of Demak Flood Response]

From the humanitarian response to the flood in Demak Regency, several lessons learn can be drawn:

1. Involvement of local residents, with Asrofi as a partner of ASB, proved highly beneficial in identifying locations requiring support for clean water filtration and suitable raw water sources for filtration.

2. After several days of flooding, many wells were submerged, emitting foul odors and appearing turbid. In such conditions, it’s necessary to first empty the wells to promote water circulation before proceeding with the water filtration process using the Skyhydrant device. Additionally, testing the quality of raw water from various sources such as deep bore wells, shallow wells, etc., is crucial to determine its suitability for filtration. The results of these tests should also be communicated to the community. The team conducted simple water quality tests by assessing odor and visual turbidity, pH suitability, Nitrite-Nitrate levels using test papers, as well as TDS and EC levels using meters.

3. Another challenge was the lack of electricity in the affected areas, preventing residents from using pumps to draw water. The use of generators would greatly assist residents in emptying wells and restoring water quality.

4. Clean water filtration services were provided in public facilities such as mosques or prayer rooms. This is important for several reasons:
– Places of worship are often the first locations cleaned by residents and volunteers.
– Places of worship often have resources such as generators, raw water sources, pumps, water storage facilities, taps, and drainage systems.
– Places of worship are typically easily accessible to the community.

5. The water filtration process using the Skyhydrant device facilitates the implementation of green humanitarian action. Based on simple calculations, if one Skyhydrant operates for 6 hours a day, it can produce approximately 3,000 liters of clean water for drinking and cooking needs. This quantity can reduce the use of plastic bottled water aid equivalent to 5,000 600ml bottles or 200 15-liter plastic gallons.

6. Education on cleanliness and health is crucial and should be provided to flood survivors. This is important considering the habit of using floodwater for cleaning utensils and household items. Additionally, during the collection of clean water, containers such as gallons or buckets used by residents should be washed or cleaned with floodwater.

These lessons highlight the importance of community involvement, proper water source assessment, provision of clean water services in public facilities, and education on hygiene practices during flood responses.


Read the previous part of the Journey Story of Demak Flood Response

Lessons Learned from Emergency Response to Demak Regency Floods [Part 5 of Journey Story of Demak Flood Response]


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