Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) play a crucial role in promoting social inclusion within society. They work to ensure that the rights and needs of persons with disabilities are accommodated in various situations, including emergency disaster situations. Individuals with disabilities in an inclusive society have an equal role and are integral to sustainable development.
The Programme for the Application of Humanitarian Inclusion Standards and Guidelines in Disaster Preparedness through Institutional Strengthening (PASTI) is a program initiated by Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Indonesia and the Philippines, actively involving the participation of OPDs. The readiness of these organizations in the community greatly influences the success of achieving a more inclusive world. Therefore, active involvement of OPDs is necessary to respond to the existing challenges.
As Ideators
Formulating policies related to inclusivity needs to be done in collaboration with OPDs. These organizations generally possess knowledge, experience, and insights into the challenges faced within their communities. In this role, disability organizations need to be involved as sources of information as well as ideators with reflective ideas. They should be engaged in meetings to share experiences and provide relevant input regarding the needs and aspirations of people with disabilities. This way, the policies and initiatives generated will be more responsive and consider the interests of all parties.
One activity that reflects the involvement of disability organizations as ideators is the development process of the Inclusive Disaster Management Training Curriculum for Persons with Disabilities and Inclusive Disaster Management Facilitators, developed by ASB and the National Disaster Management Training Centre (Pusdiklat BNPB). It includes the curriculum structure and indicators, which were formulated through collaboration with OPDs in Lampung and Central Java.
As Programme Implementers
Mapping specific needs is also relevant when carried out by OPDs. Knowledge of these needs needs to be actualized in programs or training. Disability organizations have the capacity to organize programs. Implementing programs through OPDs reflects their role as humanitarian actors for social response. Their active involvement as implementers will directly strengthen the leadership capacity and contribution of persons with disabilities and other at-risk groups in disaster preparedness and humanitarian response.
As program implementers, OPDs can carry out the program in a variety of ways, including by empowering the community, granting access, advocating, raising awareness and education, and growing networks and support for those with disabilities. This proactive position substantially supports initiatives to build a society that is more inclusive and just.
As Facilitators
The term “facilitator” is closely related to the process of accompanying others. The active role of disability organizations as facilitators is implemented in ensuring accessibility and equality in various contexts. As facilitators, disability organizations can advocate for various aspects, including the provision of disability-friendly environment access, inclusive communication, and access to social services. The facilitator role is closest to the target audience as communication processes are carried out directly.
The PASTI program’s curriculum also calls for OPDs to serve as facilitators in three areas: inclusive disaster risk reduction, inclusive preparedness, and inclusive humanitarian response. Their responsibility is to communicate educational outcomes, which includes advising the general public and people with disabilities at the regional level on emergency preparedness.
OPDs’ participation in the aforementioned tasks is an effort to hasten the accomplishment of social inclusion, particularly by expanding the involvement of humanitarian actors to address the socioeconomic conditions that are currently in place. To ensure that no one is left out, capacity building for the populations most at risk needs to be increased.