Training Curriculum on Inclusive Disaster Management

Persons with disabilities are the most at-risk groups when a disaster occurs. This risk arises because of various barriers (such as barriers to accessing the physical environment, information, etc.) and stigma against them. Indonesian Law No. 19 of 2011 concerning the Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, in Article 11, states that the state holds the mandate to protect persons with disabilities in humanitarian emergency situations. The interpretation of this article can be implemented by empowering and encouraging the participation of persons with disabilities in disaster management (DM).

The National Disaster Management Agency (In Indonesia known as BNPB) and Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) Indonesia and the Philippines, in collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, published the Training Curriculum on Inclusive Disaster Management for Persons with Disabilities and Facilitators of Inclusive Disaster Management.

This curriculum was developed to revise the curriculum owned by BNPB since 2014 by taking into account relevant changes in policies and regulations related to disability inclusion in disaster management at the national and global levels. The contents include training program packages and syllabuses tailored to the target audience’s competency needs so that they can become a reference for government and non-government agencies in organizing DM training for persons with disabilities and the community. The target of this curriculum is also to reach the disability inclusion DM facilitators. After being coached using the curriculum, this facilitator is expected to be able to facilitate inclusive DM programs and activities.

Organizing training using this curriculum is to ensure the fulfilment of the rights and participation of persons with disabilities, especially in inclusive disaster management as mandated in applicable policies and regulations. The objective is to instil knowledge, skills, and attitude competencies in the curriculum targets. Also, in the long run, it is hoped that this will become a practice that can encourage people to respect the dignity and diversity of each individual’s abilities in disaster management.

In order to organise inclusive training more comprehensively, governmental and non-governmental organizations can use this curriculum as a guide when conducting related training.

Click here to download the Training Curriculum of Inclusive Disaster Management. 

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